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back pain massage near me

Kati Basti To Treat Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is pretty common for most of us. It occurs due to many reasons and also, there are multiple treatment options. One of the effective treatment procedures, also known for its holistic approach is Kati Basti. It is an Ayurvedic treatment administered to treat lower back pain. When you look for a back pain massage near me, be sure to opt for Kati Basti for a safe and effective treatment procedure.

Back Pain Massage near me & Kati Basti

When it comes to Kati Basti, it all ends up in applying herbal oil. The warmth of the oil helps the painful area of the body to absorb thoroughly and heal the condition. The oil is absorbed by the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Make sure to find a certified Ayurvedic Acharya to administer back pain massage near me.

The treatment procedure can be also used for treating painful and ailing shoulders. Basically, the objective of the treatment is to relax spasms and minimize stiffness in the muscles. An authorized Ayurvedic doctor will be prescribing a specific herbal oil based on your bodily condition and requirement.

Treating Shoulder Pain through Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic treatments are proven and very effective in treating different types of painful conditions. Shoulder pain is one of them. Kati Basti is often prescribed to treat frozen shoulders. If you have similar problems, try booking a consultation call for shoulder pain massage near me. Additionally, the pain relieving medicated oils are the perfect herbal formation for treating shoulder pains.

Like Kati Basti, there are forms of treatments that can be opted. Well, it is suggested that you consult with a doctor before narrowing down to any option. Remember, Ayurvedic massage sessions aren’t only designed for luxurious choices. If the treatments are delivered in the right way and in a timely manner, you’re surely going to achieve every benefit. This makes Ayurvedic treatments favourite for many who are looking for body massage near me.

  • Finally

Kati Basti and similar treatments in Ayurveda are known for providing pain relieving benefits. The external applications play a significant treatment for people who are looking for shoulder pain massage near me. So, it doesn’t matter whether you are young or aged, get your ailments treated from the root and live a healthy life.

Stay tuned to our blog page at Ayursh for more information when you search with body massage near me.

stroke patient ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic Benefits For Stroke Patients

For years, Ayurvedic treatments are known for helping many patients convalesce and recover from a stroke. It is one of the leading causes of complex and severe disabilities within the global population. Our stroke patient ayurvedic massage offers a potential therapy called Balavardhaka that is used for treating a number of issues faced by stroke patients.

Implementing Ayurveda for Stroke Treatment

The primary principle of Ayurveda is our bodies have the ability to heal themselves when the right conditions and environment are provided. The Ayurveda’s approach is based on using natural remedies and methodologies for restoring balance in the human body and promoting healthy living conditions. As per the knowledge of Ayurveda, stroke is caused due to imbalances in the Vata dosha. Vata dosha is responsible for moving and circulating blood throughout the body. There are multiple treatments, and some of which are specifically known as stroke patient ayurvedic massage.

How Ayurveda Works for Treating Stroke Patients?

There are different combinations of treatments when it comes to restoring the bodily conditions of stroke patients. If one is aimed at relieving the symptoms, the other is administered for restoring the impaired functions of the brain and improving the overall blood circulation inside.

Sometimes strokes lead to muscle stiffness or paralysis. In such cases, Ayurvedic doctors prescribe sessions of Jeevottama to relieve muscle tension and minimize stress. Each therapy focuses on the detoxification process and finally rejuvenates the body. This overall approach prevents further damage. If you are looking for an ayurvedic massage near me, do not underestimate the natural healing efficiency of Balavardhaka or Jeevottama treatments.

Ayurveda Treatments for Lifelong Changes

The type of Ayurvedic treatment solely depends on the patient’s condition and cases. The Panchakarma therapists are knowledgeable about such conditions and thus, can help you with the best treatment procedure. Some patients are also prescribed Shirodhara treatments paired with Abhyanga massage therapies.

The common combinations of Panchakarma treatment include herbal medications, Arishtams, Basti, Kashayams, Abhyanga and many others. Be noted, that treating the conditions takes time and a lot of effort. After all, neuro-related problems are the top-most complex issues in the medical world.

Ayurveda is all about treating the conditions from the core and thus, it takes a bit of time. When you see the results ultimately, we’re sure you will be amazed. You can also get in touch with our experts when searching for a head massage near me.

post pregnancy massage

Ayurvedic Post Pregnancy Massage For Mothers

Postpartum care is essential for ensuring proper well-being and long-term health post pregnancy. As we know that during and after pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes several psychological and physical changes. As per Ayurvedic knowledge, the Pitta and Vata Dosha are affected severely during pregnancy and also when delivering a child. So, this is where post pregnancy massage comes into the picture. The practice has been followed for a long time in India. The Prasoothika Charya consists of various therapies that aim to balance Vata and Pitta Dosha post-delivery.

Defining the Concept of Abhyanga

Ayurveda has gifted us with countless practices to boost health benefits. One of them is the year-long practice of Abhyanga or postpartum Ayurvedic oil massage. This practice used to be followed in most Indian households and to this day, we can see it in a more professional way at Ayurvedic clinics. Postpartum massage offers amazing benefits to women after giving birth, especially when it comes to regaining mind and body.

It is a form of authentic oil massage that extracts all the toxins from body and mind. It also helps in boosting stamina by improving muscle tone. The therapeutic treatment is also good for curing back pain and muscle fatigue often experienced after childbirth.

Important Diet tips for Postnatal Care

Even if you opt for pregnancy massage, diet plays a key role here. Different types of herbs and oils are prescribed based on the digestive system of a mother. Sesame oil and ghee are often prescribed. For some, milk and rice gruel with Panchkula or Vidharigandhadi Gana is advised. Some Ayurvedic doctors also suggest drinking jaggery water for at least a week as it helps in regaining strength.

Remember, childbirth isn’t only about draining, it also leads to Vata Dosha. Therefore, mothers are bound to experience bloating, digestive issues, etc. This is the reason – diet is important during this stage. It is recommended to have simple foods that do not affect the digestive system or stimulate Vata Dosha.

Concluding this information on post pregnancy massage, the health of a mother gets significantly weak after delivery due to loss of fluid and blood. Also, the emptiness in the womb hampers physical condition. Therefore, during this it is suggested to opt for post natal massage at home so that a mother does not have to go outside her comfort zone.

For more interesting information, stay tuned to Ayursh Blog page.

full body massage

The Best Destination For Compelling Full Body Massage

Summary: Ayurvedic full body massage is an integrated approach that places a strong focus on seeking harmony and moderation in all facets of life.

The medical practice of Ayurveda, which dates back over 5,000 years, is among the oldest in human history. According to Abhyanga consideration, the mind and body are interconnected by an energetic flow known as Prana. Ayurvedic full body massage techniques range from firm pressure to gentle strokes, pinching, or kneading motions. They normally move in the same direction as conventional energy channels, which resemble neural routes and usually line up with the direction of hair development.

Get Relief from Pain at the Home Massage near Bangalore Centers

According to studies, Abhyanga is a robust massage that is intended to open up the minor Srotas, flush out toxin build ups through the skin, melt fat secretions, and purify and nourish the skin.

Furthermore, Abhyanga can be employed to regulate vata, which will induce a tranquil state of mind and a deep state of relaxation. The practice of Abhyanga at a reputed home massage near Bangalore centre strengthens and nourishes the body. It’s an integrated approach that activates our internal organs, improves blood flow, and greatly lessens chronic pains.

Search for an Effective Home Massage Near Me

Abhyanga treatment is more than an indulgence; it is an encounter that benefits the body and the psyche. During an Ayurvedic body massage, skilled practitioners spread warm, medicinal oil all over your body. Then, by using gentle massage strokes, this oil is allowed to permeate the epidermis, from where it penetrates and feeds the tissues, muscles, and bones.

Hence, look for a soothing home massage near me for calming the nerves and rejuvenating your well-being.

Get the best Doorstep Massage Service Near Me

The holistic approach of Ayurveda not only revitalizes the body but also rejuvenates your soul. Ayurvedic massage oils can effectively treat common aches and pains like stress relief, weight loss, and joint pain. Depending on your current state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being as well as your dosha type, you should choose an oil. As per Ayurveda, there is no finer expression than self-love. Hence, look for the best doorstep massage service near me and avail yourself of the benefits of Ayurveda.

Book Your Schedule

Want to achieve the goodness of an integrated approach? Call the experts of Ayursh and book your schedule for this captivating full-body massage. Since a little phone call can put you at ease.

Body massage at home

A Step Towards Better Life & Wellness

Summary: In Ayurvedic body massage, every detail right from the oil choice to the therapy timing, it must be carefully planned and carried out to get successful outcomes and effective results.

In many diverse situations including tonification and Dosha pacification, Ayurveda body massage at home is a great remedy. Abhyanga massage therapy is the most practical and straightforward to be performed at home. You can either execute this Ayurvedic-style massage on yourself or get it done by our expert body therapist.

What is Abhyanga?

Abhyanga is a profound therapeutic Ayurvedic body massage that involves the application of warm medicinal oil to your entire body by our skilled therapists. In this approach, we use gentle massage strokes, for allowing the oil to permeate the skin, from where it penetrates and feeds the tissues, muscles, and bones. If you want an integrated approach for full body massage in the confines of your home, then Ayursh is your one-stop solution. At Ayursh, you can get foot, head, face, half-body massages as well as full-body massages by our expert and professional panchakarma therapists.

The Art & Benefits Of Abhyanga Massage

This Ayurvedic body massage replenishes the entire body and slows the ageing process. According to studies, it’s been evaluated that in individuals with pre-hypertension, blood pressure declined after Abhyanga. This may be connected to the circulatory system’s response to massage. Traditional massage causes the blood vessels to enlarge. This increases blood flow and lessens artery resistance which lowers blood pressure.

Glowing skin is one of the key advantages of Abhyanga, according to therapists. The skin is nourished by the oil, reportedly improving the skin’s visual appeal. It encourages the growth of luxuriant, thick, smooth and lustrous hair (scalp). Improved flexibility in the body is another alleged advantage of Abhyanga. It is believed that by releasing shortened and tight muscles, stiffness is reduced and mobility is increased.

Book your Appointment

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy ayurvedic body massage near me, Ayursh is your ultimate solution. You can schedule a treatment during the most convenient time for you. The treatment would be delivered to your house by our skilled therapists. Abhyanga is really helpful for your healthy and better life. If you want to know more about this therapy, then make a call to Ayursh right away and receive the best home care in Bangalore.

Weight loss obesity

From Weight Loss & Obesity to Migraine – Get Effective Treatment to Your Ailments Right At Your Doorstep

Physiotherapy and Ayurveda have shown remarkable efficacy in treating a range of different ailments including common everyday problems and lifestyle issues, as well as help in the rehabilitation from serious illnesses like paralysis, strokes or in major post surgical recoveries. Today, doctors recommend these integrated medicine treatments because of their inherent advantages. They don’t rely on pills and medication and hence they are considered to be safer as they are free from side effects.

At Ayursh, both physiotherapy and Ayurveda form our areas of expertise. We have some of the most experienced and highly qualified therapists who offer tailored treatment that treats your ailments. The best part is that you don’t have to go anywhere to get the treatment. You can get the treatment right at your doorstep. But, more on that later. Let us take a look at some of the ailments that you can treat with the help of our team.

Weight Management

Obesity has reached pandemic proportions in the country. Studies show at least 1 in 6 Indians suffer from obesity in varying degrees. Now, most of the time, people resort to strict dieting which might cause a lot of stress on the body.

Thankfully, you don’t have to go through any such extreme steps. At Ayursh, you can explore ayurvedic Medohara treatment for weight loss obesity. So, what is included in Medohara treatment and how does it help you for weight loss and obesity?

The treatment consists of two stages. The first is Udwartanam (ऊर्ध्वं वर्तनं उद्वर्तनं – A multi-dimensional treatment in which the massage stroke is given in the upward direction).

At this stage, priorly a medicated oil is applied over the body (उद्वर्तनं अभ्यङ्ग पूर्वकम्) followed by a rhythmic massage using ayurvedic churnas or powders, which have fat-reducing properties. The massage can be done in two ways –

  1. Snigdha Udwartana, where the herbal churna is mixed with ayurvedic oil and rubbed over the body in reverse direction (from below upwards against the hair follicles). This is ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

  2. Rooksha Udwartana, which is dry rubbing. Here, the herbal powers are directly rubbed / stroked over the body in upward direction. This is ideal for normal to oily skin. After Udwartanam, steam is given with a portable steam box.

This helps in the redistribution of fat at the subcutaneous level. This aims to better the tone of the body, reduces fat in the body, removes blocks, rectifies metabolism, soothes nerves, de-stresses our body and mind, enhances blood circulation, enriches the cells with proper nutrients and essentials, detoxifies the system, provides energy, revitalizes and rejuvenates us and enhances the lifespan of cells. It makes our body toned and trimmed up and alleviates many diseases.

Treating Migraine

Ayursh also offers the Shirodhara treatment which is a natural and effective way to treat migraine issues. The treatment method is quite interesting. Warm medicated oil is gently poured on a specific point from a specific height in a specific manner. It is a purifying and rejuvenating therapy which eliminates toxins and mental exhaustion as well as relives stress and any ill effects on the central nervous system. This creates a calm and soothing feeling which helps to get rid of the persistent migraine.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Recovering from a stroke can be a long and arduous journey, especially when you have restricted locomotion ability. This is where physiotherapy will come to your rescue. You can use physiotherapist stroke patient massage as well as a wide range of manual as well as assisted physiotherapy techniques like ultrasound heat and electrotherapy to restore mobility and aid in natural movement.

If you are suffering from any of the ailments, we suggest that you book an appointment today. Just give us a time when you would be available at your home, and our specialist will arrive at your home to administer the treatment. You can book single or multiple sessions at a time through our website. Contact us today to know more.

basti panchakarma

Basti | Panchakarma Therapy

Basti is one of the important panchakarma procedures in Ayurveda where the medicated oil or medicine decoction is given through the anal route. This medicine gets absorbed in the intestines and gives desired results over a period of time. Basti treatment is one of the effective remedies for Vata dosha. Vata is located mainly in the intestine (or pakvashaya). The medicinal oil which is applied through the rectum helps to normalize the excessive Vata. As a pre-procedure, Ayurveda full body massage therapy is done before the Basti treatment. This Ayurveda Massage therapy services can be availed in Bangalore.


For constipation, slip disc, arthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, gastric problems, nervous disorders, insomnia, tinnitus, obesity, lower back pain, stroke, parkinsons, etc.


Pregnancy, menstruation, diarrhoea, bleeding piles, inflammation, extreme weakness or debility, acute fever or cold.

Different Types of Basti Panchakarma Therapy:

Let us take a look at the different types of basti treatment that you can get in our Ayurvedic massage centre in Bangalore.

  • Asthapana basti (Enema by using Decoction) – This Basti is known to increase the lifespan; hence it’s called asthapana basti. It is also called niruha basti because it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. In this procedure, medicated decoction will be used. The quantity of the decoction will be decided by the Doctor based on the health condition, strength of the patient(rogi bala), and strength of the disease(vyadhi bala). This enema should be given on empty stomach only. The trained Panchakarma therapist will visit your home and administer basti under Doctor’s purview. Soon after the procedure, there will be a bowel movement for couple of times. This will help in flushing out Vata predominance.  Post the Basti Karma, light food like khichadi, rice, dal etc. should be taken.

     Indications of Asthapana basthi:
    • It can be given in case of knee pain, low back pain, thigh pain, stiffness of joints, cramps in calf muscles, tremors in the body, heart disease, krimi koshta, mamsa kshaya, bala kshaya, sarvanga vatha rogas, etc
    Contraindications of asthapana basthi:
    • It should not be administered soon after other panchakarma therapies like vamana, virechana, nasyam, person suffereing from vomiting, cough, breathlessness, ascitis, abdominal distention, etc.
  • Anuvasana Basti (Enema by using Medicated Oil) – Anuvasana basthi is a therapy where medicated oil is given through the anal route. Anuvasana means ‘to stay’. In this procedure, the medicine will stay for a longer time in the intestine and helps to normalize the aggravated doshas. This procedure should be done only after having a light meal. The preferable time for this procedure is the afternoon time.

  • Matra Basti – This procedure can be done every day. The dose of medicine is very less. It is indicated in the people who are debilitated by excessive exercise, walking, travelling, heavy lifting, children, old aged (more than 70 years), royal people, delicate people, etc.

  • Lekhana Basti – This Basti helps to scrape out the excessive fat from the body.

Procedure –
These are the steps followed for basti Ayurvedic massage

  1. Before the procedure the patient is allowed to eat according to the basti type which will be administered. If it’s asthapana basti, one should be on an empty stomach. If it’s anuvasana basti, one should have a meal immediately before the procedure

  2. The patient is made to get onto bed comfortably, given Abhyanga (Oil massage) with suitable oil, and mild sedation is done on the waist region by the trained therapist

  3. The patient is made to lie comfortably on the left lateral position with his left leg extended or stretched out and right leg folded in front and the left hand kept beneath the head. The therapist will help

  4. Anal region is well lubricated

  5. A very soft simple rubber catheter is inserted in the anus

  6. Taila (Oil)/Kashaya (Decoction) is put into the rectum by syringe or enema pot

  7. Patient is advised on the dietary habits according to the basti type given by the Doctor

  8. The duration will be advised by the doctor based on the condition.

panchakarma therapy

Virechana | Panchakarma Treatment

Virechana is a type of panchakarma treatment. The word “Virechana” in Sanskrit means purging or laxative. It is a procedure to have controlled purgation by using the medicine, based on the strength of the disease and the patient. This treatment is very effective in removing all the toxins, especially from the intestines, and alleviates aggravated pitta dosha within the body. If you are a resident of Banashankari, then you can easily find an Ayurveda clinic near me to get the treatment. But, before you do that, here are some of the things that you should know.

Pitta dosha is responsible for metabolic activities, digestion, and enzyme formations in the body. Due to irregular diet and lifestyle, untimely meals, excess junk food, spicy, masala food items, non-veg food, fried food, alcohol, smoking, etc pitta vitiation happens in the body. By doing virechana, vitiated pitta goes out, and healthy pitta forms in the body and thus helps for normal body functioning.

Who can Undergo Virechana Treatment?

So, which type of patients can go for this panchakarma treatment in Banashankari? People who are having skin disorders, blisters, liver problems, peptic ulcers, severe constipation, jaundice, hyperacidity, spleen diseases, PCOD, infertility, menstrual problems, migraine, anemia, diabetes, asthma, etc. also can undergo the treatment.

Who cannot Undergo Virechana Treatment?

People who have poor digestive systems, diarrhea, bleeding ulcers, hard bowel movement, acute fever, and decoction enema.

Procedure –

Before starting Virechana, our experts will analyze the condition, understand the prakruti, and assess the strength of digestion, disease, and the person. Based on that personalized treatment will be recommended which you can take at home itself comfortably

Step 1 – Deepana -Pachana Medicines – which help to stimulate the digestive process. It may give for 5-7 days based on the strength of the digestive system. If the digestive fire is not strong, then the procedure won’t give the desired effect. If there is any undigested food remaining in the stomach, that will also get clear by taking these medicines. Therefore, this is the pre-procedure to make your digestive fire strong.

Step 2 – Snehapana – Based on different criteria, like disease conditions, the strength of the person, etc a particular medicated ghee will be given to drink on empty stomach. Every day, based on a few physical and physiological changes, the dose will be changed. The Doctor will keep monitoring it. Our trained therapist will come home and give the medicated ghee. It should be taken on an empty stomach, and after having ghee hot water should be taken sip by sip. It should not be taken in large quantities, it may affect the digestion of ghee. Should not sleep in the daytime. A person may get a headache, and experience slight discomfort in the body. That’s normal, nothing to worry about. Once the ghee is digested, a person will get clear buff and hunger. Then he or she can eat food (a Diet chart will be given). When you book this panchakarma treatment at home in Banashankari, you can consult with your dietician and get the right advice.

Why Ghee?

It is a very common question for many people. ‘It is very difficult to drink ghee’, ‘I feel nauseating’, ‘I can’t take it’, etc are the practical difficulties we face when we give ghee directly to the person to take at home. That’s why we send our trained therapists to help you to drink ghee. The reason behind giving medicated ghee is, it helps to moisten the toxins from the channels. For example, when we prepare halwa, we smear ghee on the vessel, so that halwa won’t stick to the vessel and comes out easily. In a similar way, when we drink ghee, it helps to remove toxins easily.

Step 3 – Sarvanga Abhyanga and Swedana – Once the person gets proper internal moisturization, full body oil massage and steam will be done for three days by our trained therapist at home itself. From oil massage and steam, all the toxins accumulate in the stomach.

Step 4- Virechana – Morning around 9 AM (Pitta time) a medicine will be given either in the form of lehya, capsule, or tablet based on the condition. Before taking a person should finish his early morning routines like bath etc, he should have a pleasant mind. The Therapist will check BP, then medicine will be given. After taking medicine, one should drink hot water sip by sip. After one or one and a half hours, loose motions start. Count the motions. Once the motion stops you can take a bath and can have rice gruel.

In the whole procedure, dedication, patience, and confidence are very important. Diet to be strictly followed.

It is one of the great gifts you can offer yourself to boost your immunity, strengthen your digestive system and rejuvenate your skin, body and mind. Get this panchakarma therapy in Banashankari and live a better life.

Nasya Panchakarma Therapy

Nasya | Panchakarma Therapy

Nasya Panchakarma Therapy (Instillation of medicated oil or decoction or powder into the nostrils) is one of the daily routines and also one of the Panchakarma (detox procedures) in Ayurveda. But before you search for an Ayurveda clinic near me to get the treatment, here are a few things that you should know.

Why is it Included in the Daily Routine?

The nose is one of the organs, which has two holes, which help to breathe, the mucus inside helps to prevent dust entry to the brain or other internal organs. When we breathe fresh air, a few dust particles stick to the mucus of the nasal passage. When the hand or leg is dirty, we wash it with water. But it is difficult to wash the inside right. When we put medicated oil in the nostrils, the expectorant quality of herbs carries dust particles and mucus to the throat and throws it out in the form of a cough. In this era, due to heavy pollution, dust particles, vehicle engine, etc it is very important to clean the nasal passage. Therefore, the classics say to adopt Nasya Ayurvedic massage in daily routine.

Nasya as a Detox Procedure –

Nasya means the installation of medicated oil or an herbal decoction or dry herbal powder or smoke into the nostrils. Depending on the condition different forms of nasya will be practised. Usually, for health problems above the neck region, nasya is to be done. For example – migraine, sinusitis, premature greying of hairs, hair fall, headache, frozen shoulder, neck pain, stroke, insomnia, tension, anxiety, stress, nasal polyp, deviated nasal septum (DNS) respiratory problems especially conditions related to Vata and Kapha dosha, etc.

How to do this?

Nasya with Medicated oil –

Based on the Doctor’s advice, our trained therapist will come home. Firstly, a gentle face massage with medicated oil for 10 to 15 minutes, then facial steam. Once the steam is done properly, medicated oil will be instilled into the nostrils either by comfortable sitting or sleeping posture. Once the oil enters the nasal passage, a person should slowly inhale, once the oil reaches the throat, a person should spit the cough. In a very beautiful way one can experience the whole procedure. It is a very simple but very effective detox procedure. Once the cough is removed, the therapist will give the smoke, which is prepared with medicated herbs like turmeric etc. which helps to remove the extra cough from the nose or the throat.

Not only diseased, healthy people also can undergo this treatment. This procedure helps to cleanse nasal passage, throat, respiratory organs and facial orifices. The cleansing of the respiratory tract is very much essential, due to heavy air pollution which we are having now. Nasya panchakarma therapy is one of the effective and safe procedures to get a healthy respiratory tract.

Nasya Panchakarma Therapy with Medicated Decoction –

Based on the Doctor’s advice, our trained therapist will do the procedure at home itself. Instead of oil, medicated decoction will be used. The effect is comparatively stronger than oil usage.

Nasya with Smoke –

If the person is addicted to smoking, this Nasya would help him. Because in this procedure, Dhoomravarti (Smoke stick) prepared with haridra (turmeric) is used. The trained therapist will make the person inhale the smoke through the nose, then it should be exhaled from the mouth. This smoke helps the person to get a healthy lung and respiratory passage.

Duration – 7 days or 14 days based on the condition, For 45 minutes.
Timings – Morning around 7 to 8AM or Evening around 5 to 6PM

Contraindications – Children below 7 years, Aged above 80 years, Pregnant, Menstruating women, severe cold, fever, indigestion, etc.
During the rainy season, cloudy days it is not good to have Nasya treatment.

Do’s and Dont’s During the Procedure –

Before you get this particular type of Ayurvedic massage near me, keep the following things in mind.

Do’s –
1. Keep yourself warm.
2. Cover ears with cotton.
3. Drink hot water
4. Eat hot/warm food.
5. Use hot water for bathing purposes.

Don’t’s –
1. Head bath during the procedure.
2. Exposing to direct AC or fan.
3. Refrigerated food items, frozen food items.
4. Curd
5. Drinking cold water.
6. Alcohol and cigarettes.
7. Night awakening
8. Day sleep

full body massage

What is a Body Massage?

Body massages are a great way to relax and rejuvenate tired muscles. Although different kinds of massages are popular, when it comes to the absolute number of benefits, very few can compete with traditional Abhyanga massage. At Ayursh, we offer different types of Abhyanga body massage at your home, each designed to address issues in a particular part of the body. So, if you are looking for a full body massage near me, then Ayursh is the right option for you. But before you book a massage with one of our therapists, you might want to know a few basic things about Abhyanga. So, without much further ado, let’s get straight to it.

What is Abhyanga Body Massage?

So, what is a body massage? Well, when you are talking about Abhyanga, then you must know that It is one of the most popular forms of massages prescribed in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. In ancient times, members of the royalty and aristocracy indulged in Abhyanga. Today, thousands of years later, this massage therapy still enjoys massive popularity across all sections of society.

Basically, abhyanga is a type of Ayurvedic massage that is done with warm medicated oil. The oil is massaged on the entire body, from the scalp to the toes. In some specific massages, medicated buttermilk might also be used.

Abhyanga is often administered by a trained Ayurvedic therapist. This is because the massage movements are as important as the medicated oil. Yes, you would be able to massage your body yourself but it would not be able to help you realize the full potential of the treatment therapy. If you want to use Abhyanga as a way of treating ailments, then you need to get the services of a therapist.

Abhyanga therapy often consists of two parts. First is the massage, which is followed by the Abhyanga Snana or bath. However, before getting the treatment, it is recommended that you get in touch with a qualified and experienced doctor to give you the right recommendation. At Ayursh, we have a team of some of the most highly qualified doctors and therapists who would consult with you through a channel that is most convenient for you.

Now, let us take a look at some of the benefits of body massage

The Benefits of Abhyanga Body Massage

Here are some of the key benefits of getting abhyanga massage:

  • It Reduces Stress and Relaxes the Body

Abhyanga massage has a positive effect on the nervous system of the body. It also helps in proper blood circulation, which further reduces stress and relaxes the body over a prolonged period of time.

  • Reducing Pain and Muscle Soreness

The warm medicated oil, together with the specific massage movements, gives warmth to the affected area. This helps to soothe the affected muscles and helps them to release the tension. The best part is, since the action takes place at the deeper levels of the tissue, the effects are long lasting. At the same time, since harmful chemicals are not involved, it is completely free from any harmful side effects.

  • Improves Blood Circulation, Energy and Alertness

When your muscles are injured, the underlying blood vessels also get damaged. This hampers the overall blood circulation in your body. By relaxing your muscles, the underlying blood vessels also get relaxed. Therefore, this promotes healthy blood circulation.

By ensuring proper blood circulation to the brain and other critical organs, it also helps you to stay alert and enjoy a renewed vigor. This would help you to live an energetic life.

  • Lowering Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Abhyanga massage has been shown to lower heart rate in patients suffering from high blood pressure. In fact, it has been effective in solving critical ailments like arrhythmia as well.

  • Improving Immune Function

According to Ayurveda, regular abhyanga massage helps the body to get rid of toxins or Ama. Modern medicine has backed this claim. It has been proven that by aiding in lymphatic drainage, abhyanga does indeed enhance the immunity power of the body.

So, these were some of the benefits of body massage. However, we would like to stress again that to realize the potential it is important that you get the help from the right place.

At Ayursh, we make it easy and accessible to get a full body massage Bangalore. You can book a treatment at a time that is most convenient for you. Our expert therapists would arrive at your home to administer the treatment.

Another significant advantage is the range of treatment that we offer. Our team has developed a specialized treatment plan for individual ailments. For more information, click here

So, if you want to live a healthier and better life, abhyanga would be immensely beneficial. Contact Ayursh today and get the right treatment in Bangalore.

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