Physio Therapy detail | Ayursh
Doorstep Therapies By Certified & Trained Therapists
Our Therapist would visit your home with Medicines and Equipments required through the course of Treatment
● 30 minutes
Heat treatment for Ankle / Heel pain

Heat Treatment For Pain Relief

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About this therapy

Do you feel sharp pain like a knife in the heel when standing up in the morning and a dull ache in the heel throughout the day? Wake up and enjoy pain-free living with the help of our heat treatments like therapeutic ultrasound.

Contraindications Impaired mental status Presence of an implanted electrical device (like a pacemaker, stunt) Malignancies or areas with broken skin Open or infected wounds Acute systemic illness or fever, chills, common cold, diarrhoea and flu Impaired sensation
Products Used

therapeutic ultrasound

Your selected therapies
Heat treatment for Ankle / Heel pain1 Session
₹ 6,500

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