Ayurvedic Body Massages At Home | Sarvaanga Abhyanga At Doorstep | Ayursh
● 60 minutes
Ayursh Sarvaanga Abhyanga

Head to Toe Ayurvedic Massage At Home to Boost Immunity & Blood Circulation

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About this therapy

Bid adieu to muscle stiffness at the confines of your home. Let your entire body soak up the benefits of potent herbs with Sarvaanga Abhyanga, a traditional ayurvedic body massage at home where the full body including the scalp and foot are massaged rhythmically by our Certified Panchakarma Therapists using combination of multiple herbal oils according to your body type. Apart from relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, this ayurvedic full body massage also increases ojas (vigour), improves energy levels and promotes vitality.

अभ्यङ्गमाचरेन्नित्यं स जराश्रमवातहा।
दृष्टिप्रसाद पुष्ट्यायुः स्वप्नसुत्वक्त्वदार्ढ्यकृत् ।। (अ.हृ.सू. 2/8)

Contraindications Pregnancy Morbid obesity Bleeding disorders During chemotherapy Infected or open wounds Inflammatory skin issues Acute hypoglycemia, severe dehydration Hangover due to excess of alcohol intake Fever, chills, common cold, diarrhoea and flu
Products Used

Medicated Oil

Your selected therapies
Ayursh Sarvaanga Abhyanga1 Session
₹ 1,500

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