Knee Pain Treatment At Home. Best Therapy for Joint Pains, OsteoArthritis, Ligament Injuries and to Strengthen knees
Do you have knee pain while climbing the stairs? Is standing for longer time bothering you? Are you searching for knee pain massage therapy at home near me? Get rid of your knee pain by opting this most suitable ayurvedic knee pain treatment called Janu Basti at your doorstep.
Knee Joint pain is one of the most common condition seen in mid-elderly and elderly people. Don't let these excruciating knee pains dampen your spirits. Give your knees a chance to rejoice with Janu Basti therapy.
Janu Basti जानु बस्ति
Janu - knee. Basti - To retain (compartment to withhold the medicine).
It is a procedure in which the medicated oil is poured in a compartment made over the knee joint by a kneaded dough of black gram flour. It imparts moisture and nourishment to the affected knee joint (in case of decreased synovial fluid), cartilage tears, sprained ligaments and helps in treating acute as well as chronic knee pains.
It provides a long standing relief for conditions caused by morbid Vata Dosha hence it's highly recommended in Osteoarthritis, ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury, Torn meniscus, Patellar tendonitis, etc.
In case of involvement of Ama and Kapha Dosha (stiffness, swelling, itching, moderate pain), it is advised to start with Choorna Pinda Sweda therapy and then followed by Janu Basti sessions.
If your knee pain is a recent origin (within 6 months), it is appropriate to opt minimum 7 sessions. If it is a chronic knee pain, opting 14 to 21 sessions will yield you a great results.
Our Panchakarma Therapist would visit to your home daily through the course of treatment.
Therapist would make a compartment with urad dal dough applied around your knees
Lukewarm medicated oil would be poured into this compartment and is retained for a specific period of time. Therapist would repeated this process of heating oil and refilling inside compartment for multiple times
Janu basti combined with Churna Pinda Sweda or Patra Pinda Sweda or Upanaha Sweda depending on the patient condition will yield best results for knee pain.

Medicinal Oil

Urad Dal Dough